Thrive as a Brave Hearted Stepper by Lourdes Hernandez


Last year the founder of Brave Hearted Ministries had asked me to write a blog about “Thriving as a Brave Hearted Stepper”. Can I just let you all know, what a tasking topic that was for me.

As a matter of fact, the topic became the reoccurring question in my mind and in my heart. It caused me to ask myself the question constantly and consistently, are you thriving or are you just surviving? Is this something that is making you thrive or is it really draining you?

You see, the first thing that I wanted to make sure to address was the fact that thriving isn’t an emotion. We think about thriving, sometimes, or maybe it’s just me, as a season of the best feelings and the best look, because thriving means to grow and blossom. Usually, those things happen in our spring seasons, and we encase the action of thriving to just those types of moments or experiences.

But, let me venture down a different path and tell you that thriving is something that should happen in your life as you continue to work and grow through the various challenges – because in every single task that we confront – there is growth to be made and experienced.

The problem isn’t us thriving – the problem is that our perspective doesn’t welcome thriving because we are too focused on how everything makes us feel, and if it doesn’t feel that way, then we discard it as a useless part of our lives.

The Lord says in his word – that all things work together for my good, for those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28).

First - you who is reading this – you need to know that you are called, and that God has given you purpose. Those things are the TRUTH about who we are because God is the creator of all things and all beings, and I wasn’t created to take up space, I was created because there was a void that only I can fill, so God sent me at the right time so that through ME – HE can fill it!

The other part is what you are responsible for – love. And not just a love that we profess, but a LOVE that we SHOW. Because time and time again we are shown in the Bible that LOVE is an action, when words fail – and God took the ultimate action in sending his son – because what greater demonstration of love is there than this?

So – before you keep reading, I ask you this question – ARE YOU READY AND WILLING TO SHOW GOD HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HIM? Or, are you willing in this year that has just started to SHOW HIM YOU LOVE HIM?

If your answer is YES – then you are choosing to THRIVE.

You are choosing to take a step back in every situation and you are asking God to show you where you can grow and how he wants to use this for his Glory and the benefit of your life.

If you are struggling with your finances, how can I learn to administer the money I do have, and how can I learn to be a good steward.

If I am confronting some sandpaper people, how can I change my approach or look at what I do in order to facilitate or show them the love of Christ.

If you are in a tough place right now, the answer isn’t to throw a pity party, to quit, or to stop, the answer/response is to THRIVE.

Fear is the biggest toxin to the thriving process. So is doubt, insecurity, and unbelief. They all come in like a flood to deter you from the greatest moments of your life.

It doesn’t mean you won’t FEEL like quitting or FEEL like the world is coming down around you, or that it doesn’t FEEL like you aren’t going to win. It means that these FEELINGS are just that, things that will come and go.

But the truth is, that despite those feelings, I have the ability to GROW through this and to experience the greatest harvest of my LIFE.

The key is – be consistent – be persistent – and don’t stop even when you see it come to pass. Don’t rely on or make your feelings the determining factor, let it be your purpose and your fulfillment that drives you.

I don’t thrive because I am feeling good, I thrive because I grow and the things around me are growing.

I will leave you with this task and question:

Take a moment to reflect, close your eyes, look at everything around you (figuratively and literally). Where do you see growth? Where do you see things being stagnant? Where do you see soil, but no sprout?

Now, take a moment, write this down, and leave an extra space between each response. Before you answer these questions, take some time to pray, take some time to seek God’s guidance.

Go back to each response, and now think, how can this thrive? How can I see this bear fruit instead of it being a burden? How can this be turned around?

Now sit down and write down this plan, and after that, get up and take some action.

It is your TIME to THRIVE! IT is your time to SHIFT!
Lourdes Hernandez


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