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"The Joy of the Lord is Strength" by Rev Grace Reyes

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalm 51:12, NIV) Joy dictionary definition:  a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. In the Lord, it is a profound sense of happiness and contentment that comes from knowing God, being in His presence, experiencing His salvation, and living in the hope of His promises. It is a joy that transcends circumstances and is rooted in the divine relationship with the Creator. When I think about the many stories of King David, those in which he would describe his deep intense feelings toward the Lord, I try to imagine how that must have felt.  How, even through his many trials and disappointments with Saul He never wavered in his trust and Love of God.   The one thing that stands out when I try to understand in my own heart what I define as joy, I thought about my children, their births, and how it made me feel to become a mom, how I understood gratitude in a pers

"Trust and Surrender" by Erika Sanchez

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers, Surrendering to God has always been a challenging journey for me. I'm referring to a complete and genuine surrender, where I offer my heart and everything I hold dear to God. In my quest to cultivate this surrendered heart. In my case, I had to learn the hard way! Why so?  I learned that surrendering and trusting God was my only hope and chance for my life to change for the better. It was not easy but it’s all worth it! Trusting and surrendering to God means placing our faith and reliance on Him completely. It involves acknowledging that God is in control and surrendering our own desires, plans, and outcomes to His perfect will. It requires letting go of our own understanding and submitting to His wisdom and guidance. Trusting and surrendering to God also means entrusting Him with our fears, worries, and burdens, knowing that He is faithful and capable of taking care of us. It is a continual process of surrendering our lives to Him, seeking His will, a

Brave Hearted Joy Challenge - Week 4 (Last challenge)

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers!  This month's theme is JOY, each week, I have shared a challenge that you can do individually or with others. The more, the merrier—or should I say, the more, the JOYFUL!  Let's see how many will participate in Week 4 (the last challenge) of the Brave Hearted Joy Challenge 🙋🏻‍♀️ Many Blessings, Maria Guzman Founder of Brave Hearted Ministry This week's challenge: Share your story: "I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised." Isaiah 63:7 Share a personal testimony or a moment when God brought joy into your life. Share your story in the comment section of the blog site or social media. Tag @BraveHeartedMinistry or use the hashtag #BraveHeartedJoyChallenge

Quote from “Embrace the Adventure: Finding Joy in Your Unique Path” by Maria Guzman

 “So, to all the Brave Hearted Steppers out there, keep moving forward. Embrace the twists and turns of your path, for they are what make your journey uniquely yours. Find joy in your journey, and let it illuminate your way with hope and courage. After all, it’s not just a journey; it’s your extraordinary adventure in the Lord!” Maria Guzman Founder of Brave Hearted Ministry

Brave Quote

  Hello Brave Hearted Steppers,  "Embrace the Joy of the Lord: With each Brave Hearted step, let His love light your path, His grace lift your spirit, and His promises fuel your courage." Many Blessings, Maria Guzman Founder of Brave Hearted Ministry

Happy Father’s Day 2024

On behalf of the Brave Hearted Ministry, Happy Father’s Day, and may the Lord bless, protect, smile, be gracious, show His favor, and give peace to you and your family. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Numbers 6:24-26 24 May the Lord bless you and protect you.  25 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.  26 May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. Many Blessings,  Maria Guzman Founder of Brave Hearted Ministry