Seeking God for who He is by Cherice Hernandez

Hebrews 11:6
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. 

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers,

Seeking God provides us a way to get to know who he is. How can you possibly serve a God you do not know? There is no absolute way! When we take the time to learn who God is and learn his characteristics and traits we learn who HE is and why we serve him. When you come before him with a heart that is eager to find him, you certainly will. Coming boldly before his presence already acknowledging that he is the GOD of all things just starts the process. 

Some people claim that since we can’t see God, finding him is impossible, and we shouldn’t waste our time seeking him. That is a huge lie from the enemy to detour you away from building a true relationship with the father.

But, let me ask you something today.
All throughout His Word God tells us to seek him. Why would God invite us to seek him if it’s impossible to find him?

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. (Acts 17:26-27)

Paul declares here that God isn’t far from anyone—he’s near. He’s not hiding from us and wants us to find him because he loves us. He makes himself available and spiritually visible to all those who seek him. 

Seeking God provides a pathway to knowing and experiencing him. Seeking God not only allows us to get closer to his heart, but it begins to unveil a sense of security we can have in him. He will begin to remind you that you are a child of God, that you are not alone, and that he has always been with you right by your side and has never left you. It is when we leave that communication with God - our heart shifts away from seeking him in all things - and we begin to feel as if he is not there with us. Then this makes room to question his power and faithfulness in our lives. God never wants us to question his goodness or faithfulness. From the moment we wake up and open our lives his faithfulness is already there. Take a look at your life - your family and count the blessings you have. It is not because YOU worked hard to have it - it is because GOD has allowed you to have these opportunities and things in your life. All that we have and all that we do is to GLORIFY our one and true GOD! So today I challenge you, to take account of the goodness in your life and give God the praise and worship he deserves.

But, some may say "How can I seek God?"

There are many ways we can seek the Lord. Number 1 is to pray. When we pray we build a closeness to God and begin to look for him in all areas of our life. This will then lead your faith to grow in him. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:16 "And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him".

Therefore, seek the Lord wholeheartedly - examine the position of your heart before the Lord.

Secondly, take time to read his word and meditate on what he is speaking to you. How amazing it is to know the Creator of the world left us with a book that will help strengthen our lives with him and provide instructions on how to take on different situations that arise in our lives. God knows all things - we only need to trust in him and seek him earnestly. Seeking Him provides us with the wisdom we need to face challenges - seeking God provides us the guidance we need in all areas of our lives - seeking God expands our knowledge in him.

As you grow closer to God you'll begin to notice his teachings will shape and mold your character. You'll begin to transform into the person he has called you to be. You will begin to have a whole new perspective and outlook on different things in your life and this world. How you approach situations and people will become different. 

Let your prayer today be "LORD MAKE ME LIKE YOU".

Third, when worship and praise God we are longing to to be in his presence. Worship and praise open the door to seek and be near God and his heart. When we simply worship him before God with a heart of gratitude - so many things can happen in that moment. The Bible tells us in John 17:3, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Jesus is telling us that our continuing to seek God, desiring to know Him more, is the essence of true life, eternal life.

Today, I pray for all of you who are reading this.

Lord, I come before you and I just pray that everyone who reads this post will seek you like they have never seeked you before. that lord through their secret place with you they would encounter your unfailing love and grace like never before, that you would renew their minds and change their characters. Lord, I pray for fresh fire in their spirit today. That they would never look back to who they were but yearn to become who you have called them to be. I thank you, Lord in advance for the things you have already done. In Jesus name, Amen.

Cherice Hernandez
Brave Hearted Ministry Blog Writer


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