Brave Hearted Joy Challenge - Week 4 (Last challenge)

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers! 

This month's theme is JOY, each week, I have shared a challenge that you can do individually or with others. The more, the merrier—or should I say, the more, the JOYFUL! 

Let's see how many will participate in Week 4 (the last challenge) of the Brave Hearted Joy Challenge 🙋🏻‍♀️

Many Blessings,
Maria Guzman
Founder of Brave Hearted Ministry

This week's challenge: Share your story: "I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised." Isaiah 63:7

Share a personal testimony or a moment when God brought joy into your life. Share your story in the comment section of the blog site or social media. Tag @BraveHeartedMinistry or use the hashtag #BraveHeartedJoyChallenge


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