"Do it Afraid" by Pastor Lourdes Hernandez

Hello Brave Hearted Steppers,

No matter how you look at it - flourishing points back to growth. 

But flourishing like a Brave Hearted stepper points back to doing it AFRAID. 


I know that you’ve heard this phrase so often lately - but my question to you is - have you had to live this very truth out in your life recently, or at any point?

Because growth always happens outside of your comfort zone. And to land there - you must endure the FEAR that comes with it. 

I know that I haven’t been the only one lately who has been challenged to reach beyond my own height or to trust beyond my comprehension. I know that many of us can relate - and maybe some of us are currently confronting this moment in our lives. 

Let me comfort you in saying - DO IT AFRAID. 

Because there is something that I want to make you aware of - and it is this - FEAR doesn’t mean void of the WILL OF GOD!

I hope you heard that - and if not - let me say it louder for those people in the back


Fear is actually the revelation that this next moment will take more than what you have and can do - it is actually the vehicle to DRIVE YOU TO THE TRUST OF GOD! 

Doing it afraid is the result of the battle that happens between your common sense and the voice of God in your life. 

Because the voice of God stirs you towards the IMPOSSIBLE and your common sense steers you towards what’s SAFE! 

And the voice of God continuously guides you towards GREATER and the activation of TRUST - in those you will find safety. 

The problem is that we’ve been pushed towards safety in place of FAITH and towards limits in the place of LIMITLESS access and resources and blessings. 

There is so much more on the other side of TRUST than you will ever find in this place of safety.  Because the questions that run through your mind are many, and the list of uncertainties exceed those of the guarantee.

And it is difficult to relentlessly pursue something that only you hear with a vision that only you see.

But that’s the key.  No one else heard God’s voice to build the ark but NOAH - but EVERYONE saw what the voice of GOD TOLD NOAH IN HIS SECRET PLACE.

It wasn’t because Noah wanted to show off, it was because NOAH decided to do something afraid, even if it meant he looked foolish in the eyes of others.

That God given dream and that God given direction in your life will be foolish to those who aren’t living in your shoes and enduring the process you are.  But most importantly, it will seem foolish because the relationship that exists is between you and God and the step of FAITH you take in OBEDIENCE is a direct response to that relationship that only you 2 have.

The times we live in are going by fast, and there isn’t any time to waste on the things that are trying to trump what God wants to do in you and through you.

Take HEART - and FLOURISH because…………………………………………………………….

The Holy Spirit who dwells inside of you is telling you to trust the still small voice today - to step out and do what he’s asking you to do - to TRUST God’s guidance for this moment in your life. 

Because he has gone to the FATHER to intercede for you and God has revealed the next part of HIS PLAN for your life!

It isn’t time for you to stop dead in your tracks - it is time for you to grab hold of that fear and use it to lead you through this valley and into your victory. 

It is time for you to do it AFRAID and FLOURISH like a BRAVE HEARTED STEPPER. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Pastor Lourdes Hernandez
Center of Life.CDV - Florida


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