Last year the founder of Brave Hearted Ministries had asked me to write a blog about “Thriving as a Brave Hearted Stepper”. Can I just let you all know, what a tasking topic that was for me. As a matter of fact, the topic became the reoccurring question in my mind and in my heart. It caused me to ask myself the question constantly and consistently, are you thriving or are you just surviving? Is this something that is making you thrive or is it really draining you? You see, the first thing that I wanted to make sure to address was the fact that thriving isn’t an emotion. We think about thriving, sometimes, or maybe it’s just me, as a season of the best feelings and the best look, because thriving means to grow and blossom. Usually, those things happen in our spring seasons, and we encase the action of thriving to just those types of moments or experiences. But, let me venture down a different path and tell you that thriving is something that should happen in your life as you continue
Hola Brave Hearted Steppers, Cada uno de nosotros debemos saber que vivimos en un tiempo que no podemos dejar de orar. ¿Por qu茅 orar? Cuando las personas escuchan la palabra orar en veces piensan que Orar es un acto de “debilidad’. - a veces el orgullo mismo los hace ver o pensar la gran mentira de “yo no necesito orar, yo se lo que tengo que hacer” o tengo las habilidades/talentos necesarios para hacer lo que tengo que hacer. - Sin embargo, que tan necesario es tener la direcci贸n de Dios para poder hacer con efectividad lo que nos toca hacer, podemos tener o estar capacitados para hacer lo que es correcto, pero siempre necesitaremos la direcci贸n de Dios, para saber cu谩l es Su tiempo y Su voluntad. Orar = es hablar con Dios, es la manera m谩s efectiva y hermosa de conectarte con el Padre, del 脷nico que te escucha, ama y responde conforme a Su voluntad, sabiendo lo que tu necesitas. Orar es un acceso a la verdad, a la sabidur铆a, a la protecci贸n, a la provisi贸n, a la direcci贸n, al descan
Hello Brave Hearted Steppers! First, I’m so thankful to God for this opportunity to be able to share my heart with you through my first blog. When Maria asked me if I would consider writing something for the blog page-I was both, excited and honored. Quite honestly-even nervous. Then I read the topic title and asked the Lord, what should I share regarding my prayer life? And immediately the thought came to me. So here we go….. Last year, April 17th, 2023 I lost my beautiful daughter on her 37th birthday. That day was the worst day of my life! But, even though I was so broken, it was also the season that led me into Rise up and Pray. My prayer life has completely changed since that day forward. I used to pray before, but when you have suffered a loss of such magnitude-you will quickly learn to pray with your face to the ground. Your prayers become like King David’s prayer when the Lord sent word that his son will not live. 2 Samuel 12:16 NIV "David pleaded with God for the child.
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